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I'm not always sure what I'm doing...

For instance, the interface for this blog (the UI itself) isn't as intuitive as the company leads it to be. It's partially that I haven't written in a while, here anyway.

I know... bad llama.

Lately, I've just been all over the place, physically and metaphorically. Possibly metaphysically, as well, but that's a whole other blog rant. Over the weekend, I atteneded "Too Many Games"; a conference nearby which seemed to be more about merchandise than industry, however, it did have some interesting indie games and I made some good contacts. Shout-out to Rick from Under Byte Studios (he and his wife are both awesome people) and his upcoming game Heroes Guard: The Journal. A combination of dynamic D&D-style storytelling and strategic card game. Definitely something to look out for.

The past few days, I've been driving back and forth from Pennsylvania to Jersey and back, this weekend I need to go to Maryland, and then in two weeks I need to go back to Jersey for a week.

In addition, the story I'm currently working on is telling itself to me in chunks that occasionally change greatly and I'm not entirely sure of the order. So, I'm trying to nail it down the best I can, but I'm pretty sure the editing process is going to be very drastic. (Male character now female; Good family that is now struggling and the like.) Much of the story hasn't been revealed to me yet, so while I know where certain elements and characters are headed, I have no idea where the story is going. Hopefully, it will continue to tell me. In the positive column, though, one of the main characters has revealed his/her full name to me and I think I really like it. It displays a lot about him/her. The name is gender-specific, but since they use their middle name, it's easily explainable as why. I won't release too much information here,

But I will share a snippit of the story wherein we meet one of his future nemisis voices. Yes, much of the story is a battle... in his head. Hope you enjoy it. " Bright blossums filled the air as music fills a concert hall. "Where am I?" he wondered. "Petra?! Petra where are you?" She was always here. When he came to be in this place his sister seemed to always be here waiting. As if she knew. Where had she gone to? "Petra?! Um... Why hast thou forsaken me?!" "Forsaken you?" came a deep throaty voice. "Whom do you think has forsaken you, dream-waker?" Feelings of doubt and fear began to wash over him; Anxiety fast building to a breaking point. "You're not my sister..." he quaked. "Where is she? Where am I? What is this place?" "I don't know whom you mean, child. Why don't you just sit down and relax. We can have a cup of tea...", came the ominous sing-song voice,"... or Dandelion juice." It seemed to pause... or at least he thought it had. It's quite hard to tell if a seemingly non-corporeal voice has paused for some reason, but it became even more quiet, as though the entity had left and taken all sound with it. "Your people still have Dandelions, don't they?" A shadow moved through the dark hallways which were laden with some form of flower. Lillies he thought.

"Lovely destructors that you are, I wasn't sure."

"I'm a bit cautious about having conversation with a shadow let alone tea. Could you come into the light?"

"Light?! Overrated nonsense. What's wrong with shadows? They're quite playful. Have some sugar cakes, child."

The shadow appeared to leap to a table that was dimly illuminated. He was sure it wasn't there previously.

"Tell me how you got here. Your kind rarely comes here."

"I'm not sure. I don't even know where here is. Usually, I meet Petra here." he was still glancing all over. The voice was here and then it was there. Possibly it was the table, or the flowers, or something else entirely. He was betting on the third.

"Oh, so this is something you do regularly? How extraordinary. Please do have a dumpling. I made them myself." it continued in its deep, sugary sweet voice.

More items came into view on the table, as though they were unobscured.

"Umm... I still don't know who or what you are. We were always told not to take candy from strangers."

"But, this isn't candy, dream-waker and I'm a friend."

"Whose friend?"

"Many. Like yourself. Are you sure you wouldn't like a glass of juice? It's very fresh."

"I still want to see my sister..." He thought really hard and then screamed with all his will. "PETRA!!!!"

The darkness burst into tatters. The light burst into the room, and it began to snow flakes of darkness and blue light. He was elsewhere now. There were still flowers everywhere, but this time he was in a garden and it made sense. "

Thanks for reading.

©2015 Jim Folliard

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