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A Winter Narrative...

So, I thought today, I would share some previous writing that I've done for games that I've applied to. Some have been published inside the game and some were published to the developer based on what they had previously written... This is my long way, of saying that today, I'll be sharing my narrative design.


When I was applying for a writing position at a game studio, not too long ago, they asked if I was asked to work in a particular style and age-range so I did a fair amount of research and sometimes spent a good deal of money on their game(s) for research purposes. It's possible I should have mentioned all the research that I did, but I thought they would have send that when they read my stories. Oh well...

Here's one of them.

Winter Carnival

Event: As your mom gets back in her car and drives away, Chris jogs over and sweeps

you up in a big hug!

You [HAPPY]: **jiggle** Whoa! *jiggle* Down, boy!

Chris [HAPPY]: Sorry... just happy to see you.

Chris [SURPRISED]: Was that your mom just now? I would've liked to meet her...

You [SURPRISED]: Oh, uh... she had an errand to run. Very urgent.

Chris [HAPPY]: Riiiight.

You [HAPPY]: Don't give me that look.

Chris [HAPPY]: C'mon, let's get you back to the suite. Everyone's been dying to see you.

You [HAPPY]: Aww, that's sweet. But I think I need some alone time with you first...

Chris [HAPPY]: I was thinking the same thing...

You [HAPPY]: I guess we'll just have to stay out here a while longer then...

Event: You stand up on your tiptoes and press your lips against Chris's, laying your hand

on his chest...

Chris: Guess so...

Event: Chris kisses you deeply, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.

Event: Finally, you break apart and gaze into each other's eyes for a long second. Chris

smiles down at you.

Chris: Listen, there's some kind of winter festival going down in the park... There'll be hot

cocoa, live music, chestnuts roasting on an open fire...

Chris [HAPPY]: Sounds pretty romantic, right? What do you say?

You [HAPPY]: Okay! Let's go check it out!


Event: Some time later... You arrive at the park with Chris holding hands feeling a bit giddy.

You [Happy]: Amazing how dark it's gotten already... and cold. Thanks for paying the entrance fee. I could've gotten it though.

Chris [Happy]: Least I could do. Alright, first order of business... hot cocoa?

Option #1: Yes, please!

Option #2: Live music sounded nice.

Option #3: I wonder if they have skating.

If Option #1

Chris [Laughing] Love the energy. You're right the temperature is dropping. It might help. Event: You look across the snow-painted landscape... After a bit of searching, you see a gathering of people at a large truck down the pathway.

You [Excited]:**Shivers** Hey, I think I see it, down by those trees! First one there pays!

Chris [Surprised]: Hey, wait! You saw it first, no fair!

Event: You take off running through the snow-covered landscape with a battle cry of “hot cocoa!”. Although much of it has been cleared, patches of snow still dot the pathway as well as a patch of black ice you narrowly avoid tripping on. Chris, however, hits it and almost wipes out. You [Playful]: What's the matter, Mr. Football star? Not game-ready?

Event: You run into the truck, just before Chris slams into it and is berated by the owner. Chris: Aww... Nice run!

You: Well, I might have learned a few things from Logan.

Chris [Surprised]: Oh? I-- I.. thought.

Event: You wrap your arms around his waist and look up into his eyes.

You [Teasing]: I'm just messing with you. So, sensitive... You know I only watch one body out there.

Chris [Bashful]: Oh yea?

You[Smiling]: Totally. **steps back** **taps his stomach with her wrist** The head quarterback has much better moves than Logan.

If Option #2

Chris: Sure, I was thinking food, but we can check that out first... work up an appetite... just need to find it. If only there was a map or something...

You: Maybe we should ask someone.

Chris [Embarrassed]: Pfft... Yea. I suppose.

Event: You see Zach & Brandon walking down the road from the left and tell Chris you should go over and say 'hi' since you didn't see your suitemates before coming here.

You [Happy]: Hey, guys! **hugs them both**

Zach: Hey! When did you get here? We thought you might not be back until tomorrow.

Chris: Sorry, that's my bad. I suggested we come here first.

You: Yeap. All him. No blame... So, are you guy's finally happening? Is this a thing? Event: Both Zach & Brandon shyly smile. Zach [Embarrassed]: Jess, really? Can't you let me look a little bit cool here? Brandon [Happy]: I went after what I wanted. **shrugs** Chris: More power to you, Brother. **offering a high-five**

You: Is the rest of the group here?

Zach: No. Kaitlyn said she wasn't interested.

You : Is she ok?

Zach: I think so. She seemed to be distracted by something.

You: I'll talk to her later then. What about the other two?

Brandon: Zach says they're still figuring each other out.

Zach: The door to Abbie's room is shut and Taylor is in there... but I'm not sure whether the door was closed for sexy reasons or something else. It keeps opening with loud conversation. Then closing again... I think something happened with Leila.

You: Ouch. Alright, so getting back later will be fun... In the meantime, Brandon you have good taste in music. Have you checked out the venue here? Is it worth it?

Brandon: Yea, actually they're pretty great!

Zach [Shy]: Not The Gutter Kittens great, but still... We just left there because it was getting too crowded. No one is focused on anything other than the band... and um... we wanted to take a walk.

You [Happy]: **wink** Enjoy it! Point us in the right direction?

Event: After getting directions from the new couple and well wishes. You head off with Chris to the check out the live music. The venue actually uses a large shell-like area you've never seen before here. You [Happy]: Zach was right on both counts!

Chris: What?

You: **into his ear** If anything were to happen here. No one would know.

Chris [Embarrassed]: Their cellphones would.

You [Resigned]: Fine. Spoilsport.

Event: Chris wraps his arms around you and kisses down your neck before stopping to concert whisper in your ear.

Chris: I don't want to share you. Nothing wrong with that, is there? You [Happy]: You know just what to say, don't you? Event: The night grows darker and colder. You're both starting to feel exhausted from shouting and dancing. You: We should probably get out of here while we can. Get some food before they close; Maybe seek out a bonfire or something.

Chris: Well, I did promise you roasted chestnuts...

IF option #3

Chris [Shy]: Wow... that's a great idea, but umm... there's a thing.

You: What? I know we didn't exactly bring skates with us, but they can't be too expensive. It's not like they put collegiate prices on skate rentals. At least, I hope they have rentals... What skating rink doesn't have rentals?

Chris [Shy]: No, it's not that it's just...

You [Concerned]: What is it?

Event: Chris walks away from you running one hand through his hair and not quite meeting your eyes.

Chris: Ok, I guess there's no way around this... I don't know how to ice skate. There I said it...

You [shock]: What?! How?! You're from a state where it's freezing a quarter of the year!

Chris [embarrassed]: Maine, and more like a third. Depends on the year, though... Sometimes Cherryfield can stay frozen up to a cool 50%.

You: So, how do you n -- Sorry, I'm being a jerk, aren't I?

Event: Chris is looking everywhere, but at you. Mostly, he looks sullenly down at the ground and shrugs. You touch your hand to Chris's cheek and he looks back into your eyes. A sorrowful reaction looks back at you.

Chris: Yea, well... I don't play hockey. Football is my life. Dad loves football. Mom likes football. My siblings like football. There wasn't much time for other things. On the plus side, I'm great in bad weather games.

You: Yea, you are.

Event: Chris rotates his shoulders, moving his head side to side.

Chris [shy]: Can we keep this between us?

You: Sure... and anyone else at the rink. Do you want to try? I can help you. Do you know how to roller skate or roller blade?

Chris [happy]: Kinda. I mean, we did it when I was little in school. Will that help?

You [happy]: Definitely! It's just that on ice. And you said you're great in different conditions. Maybe that will help.

Chris [happy]: Ok, I feel better about this. Let's check it out. I would think it's by the lake... and I actually know where that is.

Event: You gently clasp his hand and intertwine your fingers; His much larger hand engulfing your smaller fingers in safety. Your breath relaxes as you realize you feel safe and you gesture with your free hand to proceed. You eventually come across a small, but wide lake that seems to have lighting rigged up around it and signs to be careful about skating in weather above freezing. Finally, you locate what you've been searching for – the ice skate rental area, where an elderly gentleman sits bundled up in a thick coat with a large mug nearby.

Chris: Well, since you're the coach I should probably get this. Size 13, please. Thanks.

You: No, you had the entrance fee. I've got this. May I have a Men's 10, please? Thank you.

Chris [confused]: A men's 10?

You: Yeap. They're wider. I'm not going out there for however long with pinched toes.

Chris: Fair point.

You [Silly]: Alright, padawan... This doesn't require too much Force. Just feel it.

Chris [Happy]: Cute. So, I try to find my balance?

You: Strap them on securely. Try seeing if you can walk without losing circulation. It'll feel clunky, but a lot better than me trying to haul your body back here. Chris [Worried]: Like this?

You: Exactly. Then try gliding like you would with rollerblading.

Chris: Hey, yea... I think I'm getting... ow.

You [Laughing]: Ok there, rock star?

Chris [sulking]: Are you really laughing at me?

You: Only in your general direction... Don't worry, it happens to almost everyone the first time and it's very cute. Like a baby animal learning to walk.

Chris [confused]: Riiight. Sure. And breaking something wins them over every time.

You: **rolling your eyes** Oh, yea, Becca would love to give you her sympathy vote... Is that how you talk to your coach?

Chris: Alright, Coach. What next?

You: Grab hold of the the railing. It'll help you get into the momentum.

Event: After 10 minutes of practice and many more questions, Chris seems much happier and comfortable with his ability on the ice. You have a hard time controlling your excitement for his success.

You: You're doing so well, babe! But, don't get ahead of yourself... Hold on to the rail. When you can glide easily enough with that, I'll help guide you away from the wall.

Chris [Playful]: Babe, huh? Anyway, I haven't held you in forever, I think I can make it. Um... Remind me how to stop again?

Event: You gently reach forward for his hands and start to slowly skate backwards. You feel the smile growing uncontrolled on your face and know that if you couldn't blame it on the cold, you'd have to find a reason to explain your blushing.

You: Just like roller blades or ice skates, it's all about the pressure control. Front – forward, Back – slow down. One of the differences being there really is no instant stop on ice other than falling, obstacles, and sharp hard turns.

Chris [Happy]: This is nice. How are you doing that in reverse then? Similar principles?

You: Something like that. So, you still haven't told me about your break? What'd you do?

Chris: Stayed here mostly. Training for 1st string. Not learning to ice skate.

You: Why not?

Chris [Happy]: I didn't know I'd have the pleasure of your company. By the way, best coach ever, think I could request the rest of my training sessions another time?

You: Sure. My ankles are getting a bit sore, actually.

Chris: Before we end though. I want to try something...

Event: Chris pulls you closer and kisses you deeply. Your arms wrap around his body, holding tightly to his waist and head as you both slowly glide across the ice. Eventually, you softly bounce into the hard guard railing.

You [Happy]: Ok, that was a cinema-level move there, Novice. Are you sure you've never done this before?

Chris [Happy]: Well, I am from Maine... **Looks into your eyes and brushes back a strand of your hair** but maybe you're just a really good teacher. Ready to get out of here?

*Rejoin main story*

Event: The music flows softly like wind amongst the trees, but you can't seem to tell what direction it's coming from. You wrap your arms around Chris and hold him close, enjoying the ambiance.

You: Well, it sounds nice. Maybe there's a sign somewhere for food or a bonfire...

Chris: Yea, it does. Not sure I want to move from here thoug -- Becca. Logan. What're you both doing here?

You: Well, that ruined it... Hey guys. Any chance you know where the music is coming from?

Event: Becca sneers at you as she approaches from the entrance-way. She still hasn't gotten over the fact that you've not only beaten her title in beer pong, but won Chris from her. Logan looks very pleased with himself.

Becca [agitated]: Hi. No.

Logan: Actually, yea. Didn't you get a map? They gave us these maps with our ticket.

Chris[shocked]: Um... No one offered.

Logan: They were right there, bro. Several stacks.

Chris: I... uh... You [smiling/sarcastic]: No, we wanted to walk around and freeze, actually. Adds to the mystique, mystery, and romance if we become ice statues together.

Logan: Well, if you let me borrow your guy here, I can show him.

You: Sure, but hurry up? He's the only thing keeping me warm right now. Event: Chris pulls you in, hugging you tightly from behind, and kisses the side of your head by the browline leaving you smiling giddily.

Chris: Promise. 5 mins.

Event: Chris & Logan rush off and the cold atmosphere becomes icy... You have a feeling why.

You: So, you and Logan, huh?

Becca [agitated]: I lost to Logan in a house game; Agreed he could take me here.

You [confused]: You Kappas and your house rules...

Event: You chide her sardonically, but realize she's getting more angry by the moment. So you try taking an alternate route.

You: Hey, it might not be any of my business, but are you actually ok? If you don't want to be on a date with him, Chris can talk to him. You're not property to be auctioned off. 'House rules' don't get to change that.

Becca [angry]: I might have wanted to... but eugh! I hate losing.

You [shocked]: You what? Becca [exasperated]: If he was interested there's better ways to get my attention...

You: Like?

Becca [on the edge of tears]: Like not making me LOSE!

Event: Taken back that by this adult tantrum, you don't really know what to say, but you hand her a tissue. Becca's normally composed and very well-maintained look is starting to crack at the seams.

Becca: Thanks. Look, this isn't your problem. You don't have to be nice to me. I certainly haven't been a peach to you. You: I figured it's cold enough out here... I don't need to add to it. Becca [angry embarrassment]: I... I just.. growl So... I have competitive issues; I get angry and bitter and horny... and...

You [smiling]: And? Don't stop when it's getting good.

Becca [shock]: I'll stop right there before my rambling TMI gets worse.

You: So, you've been icy to me from the beginning because...

Becca: You've represented my ability to lose since you showed up. Yea...

You: What a night for revelations...

You [sarcasm]: So, I make you angry and horny?

Becca [angry blush]: ...uh... I um...

You [smirk]: Hmm?

Becca: Can you just hug me before the guys come back? They're taking their sweet time and it's getting really cold.

Event: Surprised at this turn of events you give her a warm smile and hug her...

Chris [smiling]: You know if you wanted alone time, you could've just asked...

Logan [shock]: Are you really that cold? Don't you hate each other?

You: Us? Whatever gave you that idea?

Becca: You left us... and it was cold.

You [winking]: Decided we could warm each other up.

Logan [confused]: Umm... not sure if this is hot or not... but this is getting too weird for me. Weren't we going to meet Madison for sledding?

Becca: Sure. Love a bit of competition. Meet you guys at the bonfire later?

You: Looking forward to it. Leave out the first part of your 'and' game though.

Becca [blushing]: ...umm. Maybe... Madison tends to cool me down, anyway. You [shock]: ...really?

Becca [wicked smile] There's still competition...

Event: You raise your eyebrow to that statement. But she hugs you to say goodbye and whispers in your ear. Becca: See what happens when you let me win?

Becca: Later Chris.

You: [smiling brightly] See you later. Bye Logan

Event: Becca fingerwaves goodbye as Logan and Chris nod heads.

Chris: What just happened?

You: Holiday magic.

Chris: Huh?

You: Nevermind. So, where to now?

Chris: How about we get some food, and find somewhere to sit and talk before we find that bonfire?

You: Love it.

Event: Looking at your new map, you find the areas you're looking for and set towards them. Chris folds the map up and puts it into his coat before holding your hand. Chris [frowning]: I wish I had worn gloves...

You [silly]: Yea, but the white and purple make us look exotic. Don't you think?

Chris [smiling]: Totally. So, how was your break?

A. My bed was lonely without you. {flirt}

B. Oh my god... Where do I begin? {dramatic}

C. Not too bad. Yay fam. {reasonable/mundane}

If A:

Chris [happy]: Aww... Yea, I know what you mean.

You: Well, I kept asking you to video chat, but you were always so busy. A girl can only take so much...

Chris: I really wanted to, but...

Event: Smiling, you lightly draw your hand across his cheek and gently tap his nose.

You: Aww. Were you shy?

Chris: A little bit... My family is very into each other's business. Especially my little sister... I kept thinking she was going to burst in at anytime.

Event: You kiss his ears gently and start kissing down his neck before whispering in his ear.

You [smirking]: Well, she's not here now...

Chris [happy]: But, the whole rest of the carnival is. Maybe I like to keep certain things to myself... Like you.

You [confused]: Ok, that came close to possessive, but I'll let you take a pass this time.

Chris [flustered]: Sorry, I... I meant... I really like you. I guess I just don't like certain things to be so open. Is that ok?

You [happy]: Well, you are really cute when you're concerned... Yea, it's ok. Cuddles and kissing at a campfire are romantic, right?

If B:

Chris [laughing]: Do tell.

You [excited]: Well, Zach was constantly texting me about whether or not he was finally going to get with Brandon. Abbie was texting me about her issues with Zach. My best friend from high school was approached by my ex-girlfriend and her former boyfriend to be part of their some new business venture, but they were really trying to rope him into something kinky which is funny because he's so vanilla. Fantastic, wonderful person, but his interests make French Vanilla look exotic... and then...

Event: After rambling on about everything for 20 minutes or so you realize Chris's eyebrows might be ready to lift off his into his forehead...

You [embarrassed]: Umm... I mean... it was cool. Yea, NBD really.

Chris [laughing]: That's funny.

You [happy]: Well, you know sometimes when you go back home you fall back into patterns and other times you wonder at how you were that person and how far beyond it all you've become. Chris: So, is it collegiate you or high school you that likes the wild side?

You [shy]: I mean, I don't need the whole chicken, but a couple of a feathery pillows are nice.

Chris [happy]: I think I might've understood that analogy better with flowers, but I take your meaning.

You [shy]: Umm... Is it too early for this kind of talk?

Chris: I mean... probably not. I just didn't know you were so into it. Oh damn, the time. We should really head over if we're meeting everyone at the bonfire.

You: Yea. Sure. Who doesn't love fire?

If C:

Chris: Excitement is your middle name.

You: Actually, it's Jezzabelle. Don't ask...

Chris [smiling]: Definitely another time then. So, family and friends then?

Event: You shrug and draw closer into him. You have a feeling it's not actually as cold as you think it is, but it gives you an excuse to cuddle deeper into him.

You: Yea, you know the deal. You want to see everyone, but it never works out the way you want it to and you can't party or live the way you're used to, but the familiarity is refreshing. Chris: Until they ruin some aspect of your town while you're away and you come back to find it different.

You [awkward]: Thanks, Mr. Sunshine. Now looking forward to my town theater burning down and favorite pizza place closing due to health violations...

Chris: Oh, yea. Good times.

You: Speaking of good times. We should definitely get to that bonfire.

*Rejoin main story*

Event: Finally, you find yourself at a large conflagration and declare that you have found the bonfire, at last. After finding that the rest of your group has made it here, and doling out long hugs and questions. You finally find a place on a snowy log and cuddle against Chris seeking deep into his chest.

You [happy]: Ok, so, in case I fall asleep here, I hope everyone else had a blast tonight...

Event: A mix of cheers and laughter erupt from the surrounding crowd.

Chris [laughing]: Apparently, I'm comfy. Who knew?

Event: Becca, Madison, and Logan raise their hands.

Chris [laughing]: Dude, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone...

Logan: Nah, man... Secrets out. Man naps are legit.

Kaitlyn [laughing]: Don't worry, Chris. Zach and I think our girl over there is pretty comfy too. Group cuddles are the way to go. Especially after a long night.

Chris: Well, no denying that...

You: On that note, anyone watch anything interesting lately? Other than Chris & I?

Logan [excited]: Bro, did you catch the last episode of Crown & Flame? It was epic.

Chris: Oh, don't get me started on that. I mean, what is going with them? Make a damn decision.

Logan: All about the choices, man. I think they made some good ones in the end though.

Zach [shock]: No! I haven't gotten that far yet! I'm only on season 2!

Taylor: The girls might not be into Crown & Flame, guys... Maybe we –

Abbie: The hell we aren't! Kenna is my girl! We're going to have to catch you up, Taylor.

You: Damn straight... Though I also, like Bloodbound.

Madison: Amy is crazy, Adrian is so fine... Wealthy. Eligible --

Becca [happy]: America's Most Eligible!

Brandon [happy]: Girl, do not get me started on AME! Can't wait for season 10!

Becca: Seriously! Especially after the wait happened last season... Such a cliffhanger.

Event: The night continued mostly with talk about possible beginnings, endings, character theories, and other head-canons. It was almost light out before the group noticed how late it was and the park commission told them they had to put out the fire. Yawning, they all said their goodbyes and made their way to bed.

You[happy]: Alright, thanks everyone. Goodnight!

Logan [happy]: Goodnight, John Boy!

Hope you all enjoyed that.

Until the next adventure.

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